Servicios de Desarrollo de Software a Medida para el Sector de la Salud

¿Está buscando una empresa de desarrollo de software personalizado para el sector de la salud que pueda crear soluciones personalizadas para su consulta o instalación? Go Wombat crea aplicaciones a medida para todo tipo de usos y organizaciones médicas.

Adquirir software personalizadoServicios de Desarrollo de Software a Medida para el Sector de la SaludServicios de Desarrollo de Software a Medida para el Sector de la SaludServicios de Desarrollo de Software a Medida para el Sector de la Salud

Servicios de desarrollo de software para el sector de la salud

Los hospitales y otras instalaciones médicas dependen de equipos numerosos y procesos específicos para brindar una atención excelente. Nuestras soluciones de desarrollo de software para el sector de la salud pueden mejorar estas áreas, mejorar la experiencia del paciente y optimizar el rendimiento en general. Aquí hay algunas áreas en las que nuestro software a medida puede ayudar.

Gestión hospitalaria y de consultas

El software de gestión hospitalaria y de consultas permite que los médicos y otros miembros del equipo médico realicen sus tareas de manera rápida y efectiva. Cada solución personalizada de atención médica que creamos incluye funciones y capacidades diseñadas específicamente para la instalación en cuestión.

Programación y coordinación de tratamientos

La programación y coordinación de tratamientos requieren un rendimiento sólido y sincronización en tiempo real. Tenemos en cuenta este hecho durante este tipo de proyecto de desarrollo de software para el sector de la salud, personalizando cada aspecto de la aplicación para ofrecer funciones precisas de coordinación.

Participación y gestión de la experiencia del paciente

Los portales dedicados mantienen a los pacientes involucrados y los ayudan a tomar el control de su salud. Nuestro equipo tiene experiencia en la creación de soluciones para pacientes que les ayudan a gestionar sus regímenes de atención mientras reflejan automáticamente todos los cambios en su software CRM de atención médica.

Salud móvil y recetas electrónicas

Habilitar el software de instalación y las aplicaciones para pacientes en dispositivos móviles se ha convertido en un paso esencial en nuestro proceso de desarrollo. Si su instalación necesita plataformas habilitadas para dispositivos móviles (conocidas como soluciones mHealth) nuestro equipo de desarrollo de software a medida para el sector de la salud está aquí para ayudar.

Gestión de médicos y especialistas

Las plataformas médicas para pacientes son esenciales, pero también es importante contar con una potente plataforma de gestión de médicos y especialistas. Nuestras soluciones de tecnología médica pueden ayudar a los médicos a mantenerse al día con sus horarios, solicitar cambios y saber exactamente qué se espera de ellos.

Verificación de seguros

La verificación de seguros es una parte esencial para brindar el mejor tipo de atención. Tenemos una amplia experiencia en el desarrollo de software a medida para el sector de la salud, específicamente para plataformas de verificación de seguros e integración de estas en sistemas médicos más grandes.

Soluciones a medida para el sector de la salud

Con las herramientas y conocimientos de nuestros expertos, podemos crear una increíble variedad de soluciones para la industria de la salud. Nuestros servicios de desarrollo de software personalizado para el sector de la salud cubren todas sus necesidades.

Aplicaciones digitales de salud personal

Las aplicaciones para realizar un seguimiento de los datos de salud de un individuo son cada vez más posibles y populares. Como parte de nuestras soluciones personalizadas para el sector de la salud, podemos construir una aplicación que registre los datos que usted y sus pacientes desean monitorear.

Motor de aprendizaje automático e inteligencia artificial para dispositivos médicos de IoT

La combinación de inteligencia artificial con el Internet de las cosas (AIoT por sus siglas en inglés) permite recopilar, analizar y utilizar grandes cantidades de datos para hacer predicciones. Nuestras soluciones personalizadas de software para el sector de la salud pueden incluir capacidades innovadoras del AIoT.

Soluciones centradas en facturación, nómina e ingresos

Afrontémoslo: llevar un seguimiento de la facturación, la nómina y los ingresos puede ser una gran molestia. Nuestras soluciones personalizadas de software para el sector de la salud pueden ayudar a automatizar estas tareas para que pueda concentrarse en otras áreas importantes que contribuyen al crecimiento de su negocio.

Plataformas de educación continua

Los trabajadores y profesionales de la salud deben mantenerse actualizados sobre técnicas y tendencias en medicina. Como parte de nuestro desarrollo personalizado de software médico, podemos crear una plataforma a medida que satisfaga los requisitos de aprendizaje y regímenes de especialización de sus profesionales.

Aplicaciones de control y gestión post-cuidado

Las fallas en la coordinación de la atención pueden traducirse en un enorme desperdicio de recursos. Go Wombat tiene la capacidad de crear soluciones de software para el sector de la salud que ofrecen características innovadoras para satisfacer todas las posibles necesidades de sus pacientes.

Software para dispositivos médicos

Ya sea que necesite software integrado en un dispositivo médico o software como dispositivo médico para web o móvil, nuestros expertos pueden ayudar. Nuestro desarrollo de software personalizado para la atención médica puede ayudar a optimizar los procedimientos médicos y mejorar la prestación de atención.

Plataformas de registro médico

Todas las instalaciones médicas mantienen registros de salud electrónicos para compartir datos de pacientes con otros proveedores de atención y brindar atención personalizada. Como parte de nuestros servicios de salud personalizados, podemos crear sistemas EHR integrales que cumplen con GDPR, HIPAA y otras regulaciones pertinentes.

Historia clínica electrónica

Como parte de nuestro desarrollo de software para la atención médica, la información de la historia clínica en formato digital se puede acceder y consultar fácilmente por diferentes profesionales médicos dentro de su instalación. Esto significa que pueden conocer la historia de cada paciente y tomar mejores decisiones en cada caso.

Razones para elegir nuestro desarrollo de software para el sector de la salud

¿Buscas desarrollo de software personalizado para el sector de la salud? Aquí te presentamos las razones por las cuales Go Wombat es la mejor opción.

Niveles de eficiencia extraordinarios

Es común que los proyectos de desarrollo de software para el sector de la salud excedan su presupuesto y superen los plazos. Nos hemos comprometido a combatir esta tendencia centrándonos en la eficiencia en todas las etapas, comenzando con nuestras fases de descubrimiento de proyectos y análisis empresarial.

Funcionalidades completamente personalizables

No importa si necesitas una solución orientada al paciente o un software para profesionales de la salud. Nuestro equipo de expertos en desarrollo de software personalizado para el sector de la salud te ayudará a asegurarte de que tengas todas las funcionalidades que necesitas, así como integraciones con todas las herramientas clínicas relevantes.

Excelentes habilidades técnicas

Las aplicaciones administrativas y el software de dispositivos tienen requisitos completamente diferentes. La buena noticia es que somos una empresa de software para el sector de la salud de servicio completo, con desarrolladores, diseñadores, analistas empresariales y otros miembros del equipo con habilidades técnicas de clase mundial.

Enfoques estratégicos

¿Necesitas soluciones médicas modulares que puedan ajustarse, expandirse y mejorarse en función del crecimiento de su instalación? Nuestro equipo puede garantizar que su aplicación médica esté diseñada para ayudarte a alcanzar tanto objetivos a corto como a largo plazo.

Transparencia inigualable

Valoramos a cada cliente y nos esforzamos por brindar la mejor experiencia posible. Por lo tanto, ofrecemos una transparencia inigualable en cada etapa. Nos esforzamos por asegurarnos de que nuestros gerentes de proyectos, arquitectos de soluciones, desarrolladores y otros especialistas se sientan parte de su equipo interno.

Cumplimiento normativo en todos los aspectos

El Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (GDPR), HIPAA y el Proyecto de Ley de Seguridad en Línea del Reino Unido son solo algunas de las regulaciones que nuestro software puede cumplir. No importa qué tipo de soluciones personalizadas para el sector de la salud necesites. Tenemos la experiencia técnica para garantizar que sus plataformas sean herméticas y totalmente compatibles.

Beneficios de nuestros servicios de software para el sector de la salud

Go Wombat aporta su experiencia en automatización y optimización a las soluciones de software para el sector de la salud, beneficiando a administradores, profesionales de la salud y pacientes.

Amplia experiencia en software médico

Cuando se busca soluciones de software para el sector de la salud, una empresa que solo crea aplicaciones generales no es suficiente. Go Wombat tiene experiencia específica y exhaustiva en software médico. Nuestro equipo está consciente de las sutilezas de construir este tipo de solución.

Enfoque en software centrado en el paciente

Quizás la mayor ventaja de los avances tecnológicos actuales es la capacidad de prestar una atención más cercana a las necesidades individuales de atención. Creamos software pensando en el paciente, para que puedas inculcar esta mentalidad en su equipo y poner a quienes necesitan atención en primer lugar.

Un equipo profesional resuelto y habilidoso

Puede estar seguro de que su software personalizado está en manos de expertos que tienen pasión por su trabajo. Nos esforzamos por ofrecer el mejor software posible en cada ocasión, lo que nos impulsa a estar a la vanguardia y considerar su éxito como nuestro propio éxito.

Comunicación clara como el cristal

Nos enorgullece estar disponibles cuando más nos necesite y no ocultamos a los integrantes de nuestro equipo. Siempre podrá comunicarse directamente con los desarrolladores que trabajan en su proyecto en todo momento y asegurarse de que todo esté yendo según lo planeado.

Procesos innovadores e integración completa

En Go Wombat, investigamos e implementamos los últimos procesos de vanguardia para el desarrollo de software en la industria de la salud, incluyendo aquellos en los campos de IA, visión por computadora e IoT. Nuestro proceso nos permite identificar estas oportunidades y aprovecharlas desde el principio.

Un stack tecnológico dinámico

Estamos altamente capacitados y tenemos habilidades en herramientas y tecnologías que ofrecen las capacidades más adecuadas para satisfacer los requisitos de nuestros clientes.

Pasos para construir un sistema de salud exitoso

Personalizamos nuestro enfoque en función de sus objetivos y requisitos. Dicho esto, los pasos iniciales para crear un desarrollo de software a medida para el sector de la salud tienden a ser similares.

Nuestro proceso a menudo incluye pasos como:

Pasos para construir un sistema de salud exitosoPasos para construir un sistema de salud exitoso

Nuestro desarrollo de software para el sector de la salud

Nuestro equipo puede llevarlo a través de todo el proceso de desarrollo de su software personalizado, desde ayudarlo a determinar las funcionalidades que necesita hasta actualizar y ampliar el software a medida que su organización crece en base de pacientes y ofertas de tratamientos.

Fase de descubrimiento y análisis empresarial

Durante esta crucial etapa de planificación, recopilamos requisitos, los definimos y creamos la arquitectura para su solución. En este punto, tendrá una estimación más precisa del tiempo y el costo involucrados en su proyecto.

Diseño y desarrollo

Una vez completada la arquitectura, nuestros equipos de desarrollo backend y frontend comienzan a trabajar. Colaboran con diseñadores de interfaz para darle al software la apariencia adecuada, así como con analistas empresariales que garantizan la funcionalidad apropiada.

Pruebas de software, lanzamiento y mantenimiento

Después de completar la mayor parte de la programación, nuestros ingenieros de control de calidad garantizan la calidad de nuestro trabajo, llevando a cabo pruebas y corrigiendo cualquier error. Después del lanzamiento, también mantenemos su software personalizado para garantizar que siga funcionando según sus necesidades.

Crecimiento y escalabilidad

A medida que su base de pacientes (y su instalación en general) crezca, también puede escalar su solución de software personalizado para el sector de la salud. Estaremos encantados de volver a trabajar juntos para realizar las actualizaciones necesarias de acuerdo con el amplio alcance de las necesidades en crecimiento de su organización.

Desarrollo de software para el sector de la salud con nuestros expertos

¿Qué tipos de soluciones de software personalizado para el sector de la salud creamos? Nuestro equipo tiene las habilidades para construir todo tipo de software, incluyendo plataformas como:

Soluciones especializadas en atención médica

En Go Wombat, tenemos experiencia en la creación de software para aplicaciones específicas, como dispositivos robóticos, tratamientos recién implementados y otros usos innovadores.

Plataformas de consulta digital

Desde la pandemia, las consultas digitales se han convertido en un elemento básico para las instalaciones de atención médica. Comience a ofrecer esta opción o mejore sus servicios actuales de consulta digital con nuestra ayuda.

Sistemas médicos inteligentes

Los dispositivos médicos de Internet de las cosas (IoT) son cada vez más comunes en entornos de atención médica. Adentre su instalación en la nueva era de la tecnología médica con la ayuda de Go Wombat.

Software de mejora y escalabilidad

Podemos ayudarlo a construir software que genere pronósticos de pacientes, identifique oportunidades para ofrecer nuevos tratamientos y realice otras acciones esenciales necesarias para escalar y hacer crecer su instalación.

¿Cuánto tiempo llevará su software médico?

Realmente depende del tamaño y alcance de la solución que necesita. Algunos software se pueden construir en 2 meses, mientras que otros pueden llevar hasta 2 años. La complejidad de los proyectos puede variar según sus necesidades y los servicios que requerirá de nosotros. Díganos lo que está buscando y nuestros consultores pueden darle una idea de cuánto tiempo tomará.

Siempre podemos brindarle un cronograma aún más preciso a través de nuestros servicios de fase de descubrimiento, que incluyen un análisis y definición cuidadosos de los requisitos. A medida que trabajamos con usted para determinar qué características deben incluirse, podemos establecer la arquitectura y luego proporcionarle un cronograma realista, así como un presupuesto.

Vamos a hablar de su idea

Clientes y testimonios:

Willing to refer:5.0
Chloe Grutchfield
Chloe Grutchfield
Chief Product Officer, Sourcepoint/ co-founder redbud

The first success metric is Go Wombat’s ability to stick to the roadmap we’ve built together. They’ve been great at delivering when they said they would deliver. We have a big release planned for the end of this week, and they’re on track. They’ve actually delivered everything already, which has given us more time for additional testing.

What's worked really well for us is to see Go Wombat as an extension of our team and not just as a supplier. The company has become a trusted partner. Their thorough planning and ability to stick to a schedule are notable. Customers can expect a partner that integrates smoothly into existing teams and responds well to constructive feedback.

Willing to refer:5.0
Ulrik Larsen
Ulrik Larsen

[The software] is working really well, and the experience for the user is seamless. Internal stakeholders are extremely pleased with Go Wombat's skills, which led to the successful completion of the platform and to an ongoing collaboration. The team is thoughtful, creative, and organized, and their development skills are unmatched.

There are a lot of places where they’ve helped us. We’re good statisticians, and we can program a little bit, but Go Wombat is in a different league. The structure and tuning of the databases were handled by them. It involves millions and millions of calculations that have to happen when a user does something like pulling a slide.

Willing to refer:5.0
Ali Khorshidi
Ali Khorshidi
managing director, frontdesk NORDIC AB

Go Wombat developed a custom cloud-based solution for Frontdesk Nordic, a Telecom PBX provider in Sweden with a total of 60 employees. All of the developers from the very beginning of our collaboration demonstrated a great seriousness and willingness to cooperate as a team. They used Django to create a tool that automates the counting of deals and other tasks.

Vladimir and the rest of the developers have helped us very much in streamlining our systems and bringing in good flows to our customers. They have worked in a good and efficient way, but above all we have been pleased with the communication between our companies and the employees. We have only strong recommendations, when it comes to working with Go Wombat.

Willing to refer:5.0
Lionel Lassalle
Lionel Lassalle
Founder and CEO, CRUNCHO

We have worked with Go Wombat for a bit more than half a year now, hiring both the full-time services of frontend and backend developers on their team. Our experience has been excellent, the team has been able to solve any architecture dilemmas and helped us achieve our software goals in a shorter timeframe than we had initially planned.

The collaboration has been smooth and we have been able to develop our service further and tackle some difficult technical issues together. I would recommend working with Go Wombat because their main focus is the delivery of software that works and their developers are willing to go the extra mile in terms of creativity to make that happen.

Willing to refer:5.0
Oscar Bergqvist
Oscar Bergqvist
Back-office chef, svensk Värde pappers service

Efficiency, knowledge and responsiveness is what first comes to mind when I think about Go Wombat. I had very good communication with the project manager and the developers had a great understanding of the project. They also kept documentation, so the software maintenance and upgrading have been straightforward.

The project consisted of front-end development, and considering the result I will not hesitate hiring them on further various projects. I am pleased to be able to say that I can recommend Go Wombat, their technical knowledge, creativity, and ability to complete complex tasks helped accelerate the project and move it forward.

Willing to refer:5.0
Robert D. Skönblad Andersson
Robert D. Skönblad Andersson

We have been using Go Wombat for outsourcing parts of our development for several months now, and it's been a fully positive experience. Our team is satisfied with how the Go Wombat developers communicate, solve issues, and take the initiative whenever the problem is time-sensitive.

The team works fast, they ask the right questions, come up with ideas for solutions, and can work both independently and in closer collaboration. They have become one of the driving forces in the creation of our software and we’ve been very impressed with everything. Definitely recommended.

Willing to refer:5.0
Oleksii Tsvietkov
Oleksii Tsvietkov

We have been working together for 5 years already on dozens of various projects. The engineers from Go Wombat are experienced and dedicated, they provide decent support efforts and have a sense of efficiency. They also fuse agility, applications functionality, and new technologies implementation very well.

We've faced a lot of technical challenges during our cooperation on security systems, logistics and traffic management, and data analysis where Go Wombat showed a strong grip over the situation and profound expertise. We know the capability of their team and expect them to do everything on a high level — and they do.

Willing to refer:5.0
Maor Conforti
Maor Conforti
vice president of R&D, Cybord

Their engineers are dedicated and reliable, and they deliver at an excellent standard. Go Wombat has delivered efficiently and flexibly alongside internal teams, and the client has transformed the architecture of their custom solution thanks to them. They are flexible to our work methods, communication style, and changing needs.

By having a microservices-based system, the company is now also able to provide high-quality services at a reasonable cost for us. They often take the initiative to suggest improvements in the process and our product, which saves us a lot of time and work. Their engineers are highly engaged with us, our customers, and the product quality.

Willing to refer:5.0
Neil Hartley
Neil Hartley
Co-founder, the right five

Go Wombat has been able to both understand our initial concept and create a final system. The product looks fantastic and Go Wombat's design work has been exemplary throughout the project. It is a valuable ongoing partnership largely because the technical experience is a welcome addition to our founding team.

Go Wombat created our first product, and handled everything from design and coding through to hosting. Companies can expect a dedicated and responsive team during their whole project. I fully expected them to put the project on hold for six months, but they never missed a beat. They kept on working. It was miraculous.

Willing to refer:5.0
Jonas Jakobsson
Jonas Jakobsson
Head of Sales, Developers Shore

We're most impressed with Go Wombat's strong project ownership. We give Go Wombat excellent feedback on their responsiveness, out-of-the-box approach, and problem-solving skills. With their help, we’ve been able to keep our customers happy, so we are more than satisfied with their work.

Go Wombat leverages its expertise to deliver results on time and take full control of the project. I have a lot of happy clients who keep on coming back to us, and they’ve praised Go Wombat’s quick response time, curiosity, and problem-solving skills. The team is also incredibly responsive and very professional.

Willing to refer:5.0
Chloe Grutchfield
Chloe Grutchfield
Chief Product Officer, Sourcepoint/ co-founder redbud

The first success metric is Go Wombat’s ability to stick to the roadmap we’ve built together. They’ve been great at delivering when they said they would deliver. We have a big release planned for the end of this week, and they’re on track. They’ve actually delivered everything already, which has given us more time for additional testing.

What's worked really well for us is to see Go Wombat as an extension of our team and not just as a supplier. The company has become a trusted partner. Their thorough planning and ability to stick to a schedule are notable. Customers can expect a partner that integrates smoothly into existing teams and responds well to constructive feedback.

Willing to refer:5.0
Ulrik Larsen
Ulrik Larsen

[The software] is working really well, and the experience for the user is seamless. Internal stakeholders are extremely pleased with Go Wombat's skills, which led to the successful completion of the platform and to an ongoing collaboration. The team is thoughtful, creative, and organized, and their development skills are unmatched.

There are a lot of places where they’ve helped us. We’re good statisticians, and we can program a little bit, but Go Wombat is in a different league. The structure and tuning of the databases were handled by them. It involves millions and millions of calculations that have to happen when a user does something like pulling a slide.

Willing to refer:5.0
Ali Khorshidi
Ali Khorshidi
managing director, frontdesk NORDIC AB

Go Wombat developed a custom cloud-based solution for Frontdesk Nordic, a Telecom PBX provider in Sweden with a total of 60 employees. All of the developers from the very beginning of our collaboration demonstrated a great seriousness and willingness to cooperate as a team. They used Django to create a tool that automates the counting of deals and other tasks.

Vladimir and the rest of the developers have helped us very much in streamlining our systems and bringing in good flows to our customers. They have worked in a good and efficient way, but above all we have been pleased with the communication between our companies and the employees. We have only strong recommendations, when it comes to working with Go Wombat.

Willing to refer:5.0
Lionel Lassalle
Lionel Lassalle
Founder and CEO, CRUNCHO

We have worked with Go Wombat for a bit more than half a year now, hiring both the full-time services of frontend and backend developers on their team. Our experience has been excellent, the team has been able to solve any architecture dilemmas and helped us achieve our software goals in a shorter timeframe than we had initially planned.

The collaboration has been smooth and we have been able to develop our service further and tackle some difficult technical issues together. I would recommend working with Go Wombat because their main focus is the delivery of software that works and their developers are willing to go the extra mile in terms of creativity to make that happen.

Willing to refer:5.0
Oscar Bergqvist
Oscar Bergqvist
Back-office chef, svensk Värde pappers service

Efficiency, knowledge and responsiveness is what first comes to mind when I think about Go Wombat. I had very good communication with the project manager and the developers had a great understanding of the project. They also kept documentation, so the software maintenance and upgrading have been straightforward.

The project consisted of front-end development, and considering the result I will not hesitate hiring them on further various projects. I am pleased to be able to say that I can recommend Go Wombat, their technical knowledge, creativity, and ability to complete complex tasks helped accelerate the project and move it forward.

Willing to refer:5.0
Robert D. Skönblad Andersson
Robert D. Skönblad Andersson

We have been using Go Wombat for outsourcing parts of our development for several months now, and it's been a fully positive experience. Our team is satisfied with how the Go Wombat developers communicate, solve issues, and take the initiative whenever the problem is time-sensitive.

The team works fast, they ask the right questions, come up with ideas for solutions, and can work both independently and in closer collaboration. They have become one of the driving forces in the creation of our software and we’ve been very impressed with everything. Definitely recommended.

Willing to refer:5.0
Oleksii Tsvietkov
Oleksii Tsvietkov

We have been working together for 5 years already on dozens of various projects. The engineers from Go Wombat are experienced and dedicated, they provide decent support efforts and have a sense of efficiency. They also fuse agility, applications functionality, and new technologies implementation very well.

We've faced a lot of technical challenges during our cooperation on security systems, logistics and traffic management, and data analysis where Go Wombat showed a strong grip over the situation and profound expertise. We know the capability of their team and expect them to do everything on a high level — and they do.

Willing to refer:5.0
Maor Conforti
Maor Conforti
vice president of R&D, Cybord

Their engineers are dedicated and reliable, and they deliver at an excellent standard. Go Wombat has delivered efficiently and flexibly alongside internal teams, and the client has transformed the architecture of their custom solution thanks to them. They are flexible to our work methods, communication style, and changing needs.

By having a microservices-based system, the company is now also able to provide high-quality services at a reasonable cost for us. They often take the initiative to suggest improvements in the process and our product, which saves us a lot of time and work. Their engineers are highly engaged with us, our customers, and the product quality.

Willing to refer:5.0
Neil Hartley
Neil Hartley
Co-founder, the right five

Go Wombat has been able to both understand our initial concept and create a final system. The product looks fantastic and Go Wombat's design work has been exemplary throughout the project. It is a valuable ongoing partnership largely because the technical experience is a welcome addition to our founding team.

Go Wombat created our first product, and handled everything from design and coding through to hosting. Companies can expect a dedicated and responsive team during their whole project. I fully expected them to put the project on hold for six months, but they never missed a beat. They kept on working. It was miraculous.

Willing to refer:5.0
Jonas Jakobsson
Jonas Jakobsson
Head of Sales, Developers Shore

We're most impressed with Go Wombat's strong project ownership. We give Go Wombat excellent feedback on their responsiveness, out-of-the-box approach, and problem-solving skills. With their help, we’ve been able to keep our customers happy, so we are more than satisfied with their work.

Go Wombat leverages its expertise to deliver results on time and take full control of the project. I have a lot of happy clients who keep on coming back to us, and they’ve praised Go Wombat’s quick response time, curiosity, and problem-solving skills. The team is also incredibly responsive and very professional.

Willing to refer:5.0
Chloe Grutchfield
Chloe Grutchfield
Chief Product Officer, Sourcepoint/ co-founder redbud

The first success metric is Go Wombat’s ability to stick to the roadmap we’ve built together. They’ve been great at delivering when they said they would deliver. We have a big release planned for the end of this week, and they’re on track. They’ve actually delivered everything already, which has given us more time for additional testing.

What's worked really well for us is to see Go Wombat as an extension of our team and not just as a supplier. The company has become a trusted partner. Their thorough planning and ability to stick to a schedule are notable. Customers can expect a partner that integrates smoothly into existing teams and responds well to constructive feedback.

Willing to refer:5.0
Ulrik Larsen
Ulrik Larsen

[The software] is working really well, and the experience for the user is seamless. Internal stakeholders are extremely pleased with Go Wombat's skills, which led to the successful completion of the platform and to an ongoing collaboration. The team is thoughtful, creative, and organized, and their development skills are unmatched.

There are a lot of places where they’ve helped us. We’re good statisticians, and we can program a little bit, but Go Wombat is in a different league. The structure and tuning of the databases were handled by them. It involves millions and millions of calculations that have to happen when a user does something like pulling a slide.

Willing to refer:5.0
Ali Khorshidi
Ali Khorshidi
managing director, frontdesk NORDIC AB

Go Wombat developed a custom cloud-based solution for Frontdesk Nordic, a Telecom PBX provider in Sweden with a total of 60 employees. All of the developers from the very beginning of our collaboration demonstrated a great seriousness and willingness to cooperate as a team. They used Django to create a tool that automates the counting of deals and other tasks.

Vladimir and the rest of the developers have helped us very much in streamlining our systems and bringing in good flows to our customers. They have worked in a good and efficient way, but above all we have been pleased with the communication between our companies and the employees. We have only strong recommendations, when it comes to working with Go Wombat.

Willing to refer:5.0
Lionel Lassalle
Lionel Lassalle
Founder and CEO, CRUNCHO

We have worked with Go Wombat for a bit more than half a year now, hiring both the full-time services of frontend and backend developers on their team. Our experience has been excellent, the team has been able to solve any architecture dilemmas and helped us achieve our software goals in a shorter timeframe than we had initially planned.

The collaboration has been smooth and we have been able to develop our service further and tackle some difficult technical issues together. I would recommend working with Go Wombat because their main focus is the delivery of software that works and their developers are willing to go the extra mile in terms of creativity to make that happen.

Willing to refer:5.0
Oscar Bergqvist
Oscar Bergqvist
Back-office chef, svensk Värde pappers service

Efficiency, knowledge and responsiveness is what first comes to mind when I think about Go Wombat. I had very good communication with the project manager and the developers had a great understanding of the project. They also kept documentation, so the software maintenance and upgrading have been straightforward.

The project consisted of front-end development, and considering the result I will not hesitate hiring them on further various projects. I am pleased to be able to say that I can recommend Go Wombat, their technical knowledge, creativity, and ability to complete complex tasks helped accelerate the project and move it forward.

Willing to refer:5.0
Robert D. Skönblad Andersson
Robert D. Skönblad Andersson

We have been using Go Wombat for outsourcing parts of our development for several months now, and it's been a fully positive experience. Our team is satisfied with how the Go Wombat developers communicate, solve issues, and take the initiative whenever the problem is time-sensitive.

The team works fast, they ask the right questions, come up with ideas for solutions, and can work both independently and in closer collaboration. They have become one of the driving forces in the creation of our software and we’ve been very impressed with everything. Definitely recommended.

Willing to refer:5.0
Oleksii Tsvietkov
Oleksii Tsvietkov

We have been working together for 5 years already on dozens of various projects. The engineers from Go Wombat are experienced and dedicated, they provide decent support efforts and have a sense of efficiency. They also fuse agility, applications functionality, and new technologies implementation very well.

We've faced a lot of technical challenges during our cooperation on security systems, logistics and traffic management, and data analysis where Go Wombat showed a strong grip over the situation and profound expertise. We know the capability of their team and expect them to do everything on a high level — and they do.

Willing to refer:5.0
Maor Conforti
Maor Conforti
vice president of R&D, Cybord

Their engineers are dedicated and reliable, and they deliver at an excellent standard. Go Wombat has delivered efficiently and flexibly alongside internal teams, and the client has transformed the architecture of their custom solution thanks to them. They are flexible to our work methods, communication style, and changing needs.

By having a microservices-based system, the company is now also able to provide high-quality services at a reasonable cost for us. They often take the initiative to suggest improvements in the process and our product, which saves us a lot of time and work. Their engineers are highly engaged with us, our customers, and the product quality.

Willing to refer:5.0
Neil Hartley
Neil Hartley
Co-founder, the right five

Go Wombat has been able to both understand our initial concept and create a final system. The product looks fantastic and Go Wombat's design work has been exemplary throughout the project. It is a valuable ongoing partnership largely because the technical experience is a welcome addition to our founding team.

Go Wombat created our first product, and handled everything from design and coding through to hosting. Companies can expect a dedicated and responsive team during their whole project. I fully expected them to put the project on hold for six months, but they never missed a beat. They kept on working. It was miraculous.

Willing to refer:5.0
Jonas Jakobsson
Jonas Jakobsson
Head of Sales, Developers Shore

We're most impressed with Go Wombat's strong project ownership. We give Go Wombat excellent feedback on their responsiveness, out-of-the-box approach, and problem-solving skills. With their help, we’ve been able to keep our customers happy, so we are more than satisfied with their work.

Go Wombat leverages its expertise to deliver results on time and take full control of the project. I have a lot of happy clients who keep on coming back to us, and they’ve praised Go Wombat’s quick response time, curiosity, and problem-solving skills. The team is also incredibly responsive and very professional.

Comencemos a discutir su proyecto

Cuanto antes podamos comenzar, antes obtendrá una solución de software para la atención médica completamente funcional. Agende una llamada con nosotros.

Programa una llamada con nosotros.

Preguntas frecuentes - desarrollo de software médico a medida

¿Qué software se utiliza en el sector de la salud?

Los profesionales médicos utilizan una variedad de plataformas de software, incluyendo:

  • Soluciones orientadas al paciente.
  • Aplicaciones de gestión de médicos y especialistas.
  • Software para dispositivos médicos.
  • Plataformas de gestión y mantenimiento de ambulancias.

Las soluciones de desarrollo de productos de software para la atención médica son servicios que le ayudan a obtener programas personalizados diseñados específicamente para equipos médicos.

Por ejemplo, el software utilizado para operar dispositivos médicos complejos, como los utilizados en procedimientos quirúrgicos.

Las soluciones personalizadas para la atención médica ofrecen una serie de beneficios, incluyendo:

  • Funciones totalmente personalizadas
  • Un sistema de seguridad que cumple con todos los requisitos de la instalación médica.
  • Identificación de procesos más eficientes.
  • Mayor eficiencia en general y mucho más.

¿En qué podemos ayudarte?