Case Studies
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We base our success on the success of our customers. Our team has helped customers solve their most complex technological challenges. Now see what we could do for you. Browse through projects from Go Wombat using the filter criteria below.
Marketing & Advertising
July 2019 — Ongoing
United Kingdom
🇬🇧4D, a product by SilverBullet is a platform designed for marketing and advertising, enabling users to match ads with the right audience in the most relevant context. This privacy-first solution helps brands, agencies, publishers, and ad platforms thrive in the post-cookie era by ensuring that ads are contextually aligned across all channels, thereby enhancing their effectiveness and engagement. 4D supports the delivery of display, video, and in-app campaigns in trusted environments, leveraging its advanced contextual targeting and insights capabilities..
NGO & Philanthropy
September 2022 - Ongoing
🇸🇪Djurens Rätt is a Swedish animal rights platform that collects donations and organises events. The project's main goal included the development of pages and a payment integration system to collect money for specific charity events. In connection with the payment system, we built a subscription platform where users can subscribe to either monthly or quarterly payments.
Human Resources
March 2021 - Ongoing
United Kingdom
🇬🇧The Cultural Calculator platform empowers businesses to lead, track and manage workplace culture at scale. This web-based platform is a cultural operating system for businesses to operationalise their target culture into feedback tools. Through a combination of team pulse surveys and an end-to-end personal development feedback system, the platform generates valuable business intelligence insights. The platform tools ensure data is visualised for every team level to have a clear line of sight on their unique cultural strengths and challenges requiring their attention.
Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
February 2021 - Ongoing
🇮🇱Cybord is dedicated to removing counterfeit and defective components from production lines. Leveraging AI and big data, Cybord's technology identifies counterfeit, defective, and tampered components, including hardware-based cybersecurity threats. Defects are detected during component placement and before reflow, simplifying rework and enhancing product reliability. Integration with manufacturing execution systems ensures that nonconforming materials are quarantined and prevented from being used.
September 2019 - April 2020
United Kingdom
🇬🇧Deltabase is an AI platform that gives customers access to the perfect company research analyst. It offers a benchmarking platform enabling potential investors to evaluate and compare companies by requesting intelligence reports. It provides valuable insights for informed investment decisions by rapidly collecting and processing high impact data on companies from the world’s open sources and accurately benchmarks business performance against competitors.
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