Five Business Automation Trends to look out for in 2022

Peek into the Future for that competitive advantage in 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic effect on businesses around the world, both good and bad. It has prompted many firms to rethink their business models and adopt more sophisticated methods of operation. Automation trends in 2021 saw an unprecedented increase in the number of businesses turning to a more digitised approach, which has fueled even greater developments.
So what will this mean for the future of business, and in particular Business Process Automation software? Here we will look a little closer and give Five of the top Trends in Business Automation in 2022.
The pandemic has driven businesses to develop an automated approach to do remote business or work-from-home support. That innovative progress now needs to be taken to the next level, and that means greater sophistication and integration.
The innovations due to set the world of Business Process Automation on fire in 2022 will include the ability to manage human workers as well the digital workers, requiring creativity and innovation.
This will involve businesses looking at their operations more strategically, holistically, and inclusively to integrate both physical and digital aspects.
One of the largest areas to be affected will be the service industry providers, such as restaurants, hotels, food preparation, healthcare, and warehouse services. This trend will push companies to invest in the automation of such manual operations over the foreseeable future.
What is Business Process Automation?
Well, it is the practice of taking the more time-consuming yet essential areas of a business and creating a more accurate, agile, and speedy method of operation through an automated approach. This leaves workers to concentrate on more pressing tasks.
Automation Trends
The list of possible BPA trends for 2022 could differ considerably depending on the company and industry you ask. With this in mind, here is our objective view of five of the top BPA trends for 2022.
Cloud-Native Platforms
User-friendly - Increased flexibility - Scalability
“Cloud-Native” has been adopted as the general term for all tools and techniques required to develop and deploy software applications on the cloud.
However, there is far more to it than that. ‘Cloud-native’ provides the scalability and flexibility currently being exploited by companies such as; Uber - the car-sharing business, Airbnb - the accommodation booking platform, and Netflix - the streaming platform. The agility offered by cloud-native platforms, built with modern approaches and techniques, far surpasses those used with more traditional architecture best suited for on-site data services.
Cloud-native platforms are continuously developed and updated, providing the customers with the most recent version of a platform. This is the ultimate method of taking advantage of online business automation.
Composable Applications
Innovation - Adaptability - Speed
The constantly changing landscape of business means that organisations need to offer innovation at an increased pace by adapting applications dynamically. This approach demands an understanding of the business from inside and outside perspectives.
What is a “Composable Application”?
This is where the close relationship with professional business automation consulting services, such as Go Wombat, will be of benefit. With the right partnership, it is easier to navigate the route to create the most appropriate business process automation solution.
This process involves identifying the functional aspects of an application and refining its parameters. This effectively creates a new application that is both more closely suited to a business’ requirements, but also functional than the complete application.
Connectivity - Speed - Agility
Hyper automation is a highly organised and disciplined business approach utilised to identify and automate as many business and IT processes as possible. This mindset is quite specific to looking at the business automation workflow and mapping out how processes can be more closely aligned and connected through an automated system.
Hyper automation is an orchestrated use of multiple technologies, platforms, or tools incorporating areas such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Business Process Management(BPM), to name only two of many.
Connecting these aspects creates an enhanced form of business process workflow, but can still be improved by introducing AI capabilities. This approach will help ensure any business process is taken to the next level and can feel the true benefits of business process automation.
AI Engineering
AI engineering is a combination of the terms; "Artificial Intelligence" and "Software Engineering". Go Wombat created and posted a complete article on the differences and connections between these two aspects of the industry. “The Role of AI in Software Engineering”
Although AI Engineering has and will continue to be increasingly embedded within society, it is still ignored, to a large extent. However, businesses are turning to this digitised version of work on an ever-increasing level.
Advancements within the AI sector are continuing to transform the use and integration of smart systems and machine learning.
Artificial intelligence systems will reduce the more time-consuming engineering tasks such as identifying and fixing problems or bugs. This process will remove the human error aspect as well as simultaneously create and deploy qualitative assessment tasks.
As mentioned in our introduction, AI will enable businesses to cope with staff shortages by introducing automated services. Areas of service, such as the booking of hotel rooms or customer relationship management, will see an increase in demand.
To learn how Go Wombat can help in creating an automated booking system, or help develop and enhance your customer relations through an automated system, click here.
Generative AI
Artificial intelligence, as we have discovered, is almost synonymous with machine learning. As the vast majority of people understand this way, this is what we are talking about here.
Although there are many areas of application for Generative AI, they can be placed into various types of pattern recognition.
Client Segmentation
Understanding who our clients are is vital in today’s market. What is the target market of your product or service, and how would they respond to specific prompts? What type of promotion or advertisement is better suited to them?
Sentiment Analysis
Based on voice, text, image analysis, and browsing habits, algorithms can decide the opinions of a person towards a specific product or page. This feedback can help the algorithm promote specific brands or promotions.
Fraud detection
With literally billions of transactions each day, it has become impossible for humans to detect suspicious activities. Although fraud detection has been automated for a long time and is nothing new, it is still in need of improvement.
However, with smarter adversaries, there is a definite need for ML to step in and take the lead. Due to there being no defined answer to fraud detection and prevention, machines are far more suited to sifting and detecting minute changes in operation or levels of activity.
Generative AI has been incorporated into the healthcare industry and has helped develop many important innovations, such as rendering prosthetic limbs and organic molecules. 3D printing has played a major role in these and other technologies. Medical research companies, such as IBM, are currently using this technology to research antimicrobial peptides (AMP) to find drugs for COVID-19.
There will undoubtedly be more Generative AI developments in the future. This is simply the start of another disruption to the industry, and companies are constantly looking for ways to improve and develop new products.
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To truly understand trends in automation for 2022, would take the use of an automated system! We can only attempt to predict what we experience firsthand and learn from our industry. By listening to our partners and potential clients, Go Wombat can learn, adapt and apply our new knowledge.
The future of BPA looks safe to increase, and in 2022 online Business Processes Automation will lead the way in innovation.
To discover how a partnership with Go Wombat can help develop your Automation projects in 2022, contact us today.
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